Why the Wolf ?? Why Coaching??

The relationship humanity has with the wolf reminds me of the relationship we have with our inner self - that aspect of who we are at heart and what we really want in life. I connected with this part in myself whilst doing some personal development work many years ago and have felt a connection with the wolf ever since.

Sometimes in the course of coaching individuals and groups I am stuck by the wisdom of a word or expressed thought from those I am working with. Welcome to this space where I will muse on that wisdom. PLease feel free to join in - share yours with us...

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Frustration and annoyance...

What is the purpose of frustration and annoyance? When this turns up - like today - what is served by these feelings???

I have found it interesting over the years that cleaning or having a clear out brings a lighter feeling to the day. Whether I am in a state of feeling good before starting or in a place of hearing strongly the voices of the gremlin - I end up having a sense of a new place to start from - even a strong feeling of "Ok, So what's next?" that extends beyond the washing of dishes or vacuuming the carpets. Its a deeper broader sense of clearing the cobwebs from my thinking and reconnecting with that small-awe of a new shaft of light shining through the shadows bringing the small-marvel at a world of dust and particles circling around each other like some cosmic dance in minature.

I have come to the point of taking the feelings of frustration and annoyance as a sign to do some cleaning. Even if I am totally disconnected to what it is in my life that needs a shake and clear out it is simple enough to pick up some left lying clothing, sort out those dishes left for later or wash the windows - and bit by bit that thing in life that requires attention makes itself known. This would hint at a life filled with cleaning up and housework - not true. Housework is one area in life that no matter what cores are tackled around the house - there are always more queuing up for attention. No worries there then.

What is it that needs some light shone on it today?


  1. Hi Graham, interesting post and I love the Blog name and that wolf!

  2. Sometimes frustration means to me that I'm neglecting something, not doing the real work. And then again, patience is hard for some of us.

  3. I always do house cleaning when I'm frustrated.

  4. You make housework sound almost enjoyable. The way you put it, I can almost believe it myself. :)

  5. Hi Graham - popped over from Titus - any friend of Titus etc.
    I do know what you mean about cleaning clearing away frustration - I can get that from tidying up my art room and putting things away.
    But really if I get frustrated or angry then a slow, gentle walk in the fields usually blows it away for me.
    Hope you enjoy blogging. Pop over to see me sometime (as Mae West would say!)
    I love the wolf too - I think over the years it has become much-maligned - after all it is the forerunner of our dogs and where would we be without those.

  6. Just a quick comment - your word-verification was OUSTO which I thought was very appropriate - sometimes the computer almost persuades you it can think!

  7. I agree with the housework making things lighter idea, although my mother wouldn't ever think that I'd agree to housework in any form. I'll be interested to see where you go.

  8. Oh the irony that I'm doing laundry while reading the blogs of friends [I too came by way of Titus] just to get past the awful frustration of yesterday.

    Wolves have survived so long because they are wise: they know when to pursue and when to quit and rethink. I think I'll probably be back. :)

  9. If you ever do run out of house to clean I can provide you with a really filthy one.

  10. When I need an extended period of reflection and some action based re-focussing I will keep your offer in mind. Till then happy housework!

  11. ... and on the specifics of frustration and wolfishness - wisdom is reflected and patience has a soft core. Whats not to love about housework?

  12. I have a friend who is a therapist and has a cleaning company... he uses the cleaning as a reflection space. Great combination. I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts. Very warming.
